Valérie Gauthier Umaña
Assistant professor at the System and Computing Engenieering Department, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Mathematician from Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. Winner of a grant from the European Community in the Erasmus Mundus master program: ALGANT in algebra, geometry and number theory at University of Bordeaux I, France and Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. She obtained her PhD in applied mathematics, in the area of post-quantum cryptography from Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU). Valérie was a postdoctoral researcher at the laboratory GREYC Université de Caen Normandie, France in the AMMAC team and at the department of mathematics at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota. She was the head of the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science department at Universidad del Rosario from 2016 – 2021. Her research areas of interest are cryptography, coding theory and its applications.